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IBLOC 2005

Realtime Linux - workshop
Pre-installed systems using Slackware 10 Download Edition are the basis for this

This hands-on session will guide you through the following steps:

* Generation of a file-system image 8MB
* Mount and access the image
* Populate it with a minimum shell environment
* Resolve lib dependencies with ldd and strace
* Add in all necessary administrative files and some tools for module handling
* Patch, configure and compile a RTLinux/GPL kernel
* Compile rtlinux-3.2-pre3 on the "host" and add rt-modules to the image
* Set up the file-system image as ramdisk image to boot from
* Add the embedded RT-kernel to the boot loader
* Reboot into the embedded system and load the rt-system
* Run some simple RT-applications in your embedded runtime environment
+ if time is left do some simple system inspection and benchmarks

Goal of the hands-on session: If you walk out the door you should be able to
install an embedded real-time Linux runtime environment on your Linux desktop
system and get up and running on embedded Linux within 3 hours.

Slackware 10 (Download Edition) is provided to participants, as well as a complete documentation describing all steps of the session.
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