
Linux Inside - from Desktops to Mainframes to Clouds

Adam Jollans, IBM

Vsebina je na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku.

Our world is changing technologically at an astonishingly fast rate. Billions of computer chips are being embedded in devices from mobile phones to traffic sensors. All these new devices are being linked together along with the computers already connected around the world through the Internet. And this is generating an explosion of potentially useful information – if only we could make sense of it all.

Linux is inside many of innovations now transforming our planet. Its cross-platform support enables it to run on the widest range of hardware – from GPS device to supercomputer. Its open source approach enables it to be customised for specialised tasks, such as real-time computing. And its flexibility and virtualisation affinity positions it ready to be the leading operating system for the cloud.

In this presentation, IBM's Linux Strategy Manager, Adam Jollans, will discuss what's special about Linux, why Linux is a catalyst for a smarter planet, and the key role that Linux is expected to play in the future. He will focus especially on three areas:

  • Linux on the desktop – how open standards, netbooks and cross-platform applications are bringing choice and freedom to the desktop
  • Linux on the mainframe – why a computer invented nearly 50 years ago and a revolutionary operating system were made for each other
  • Linux in the clouds – how Linux is at the heart of many recent successful cloud implementations, and why it's poised to play an even more central role in cloud computing

The presentation will be illustrated with case studies of customers successfully using Linux inside – from desktops to mainframes to clouds.

Monday, 28. September 2009

09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:45
12:45 - 14:15
14:15 - 15:45
15:45 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:35
17:35 - 18:20

Otvoritveni govor dr. Joszef Gyorkos, Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo

It is not the cost, but the value Jon Maddog Hall, Linux International

Linux Inside - from Desktops to Mainframes to Clouds Adam Jollans, IBM

Nakupovanje na odprti kodi Jure Čelešnik, d.o.o.

Uporaba MediaWiki za izgradnjo baze znanja Boris Oblak, Abakus plus d.o.o.


Sekcija "Odprta uprava"

Interoperabilnosti za vse-evropske storitve e-uprave Alenka Žužek Nemec, Ministrstvo za javno upravo

Vzpostavitev spletnega orodja za posredovanje predlogov državljanov na odprtokodni platformi Blaž Palir, Urad vlade za komuniciranje


Center odprte kode slovenije Andrej Arh, COKS

Odprti standardi in formati v državni upravi Matija Šuklje

Odprta koda in razvoj namenskih informacijskih rešitev Pavel Reberc, Vrhovno sodišče RS

Poslovna sekcija

APEX - hiter razvoj poslovnih aplikacij na osnovi baze podatkov Robert Korošec, Oracle

eMA (maloprodaja) na Linux platformi mag. Roman Turk, Petrol d.d.

Building applications with Bonita Open Source BPM Miguel Valdes Faura, BonitaSoft

Small Enterprise Server Bharvani Toshaam, Trilands bvba

Tehnična sekcija

Enterprise DB Grega Bremec, Softergee d.o.o.

Odprtokodni "cloud"Agenda d.o.o.

Linux ima mlade: OpenVZ in prijatelji Nejc Škoberne, Viris d.o.o.

Vrhunsko zmogljiv hardver na odprtokodni osnovi Sergej Rožman, Abakus plus d.o.o.

Tuesday, 29. September 2009

09:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 13:30
13:30 - 13:45
13:45 - 15:15
Mešana sekcija

NG Inventory - popis aktivne mrežne opreme in veliko več Damjan Žiberna, Abakus plus d.o.o.

Eventmanager Jure Čelešnik, d.o.o.


Kolaborativni razvoj programske opreme z Rational Team Concert Aleš Koprivnikar, IBM

Ko zmanjka diskovnih kapacitet Matej Moškon, Our Space Appliances d.o.o.

Eucalyptus Enterprise Cloud Davor Guttierrez, Astec d.o.o.


Okrogla miza - "Zmeraj odprti ?" moderator Gorazd Golob

Mešana sekcija

EC2 Uroš Žekar,

OpenSource Enterprise varnostna orodja Davor Guttierrez, Astec d.o.o.

Javna naročila na odprti kodi Stojan Košti, Dr. Viljem Križman, Temida d.o.o.

Izkoristimo porazdeljenost s sistemom XtreemOS dr. Marjan Šterk, XLAb d.o.o.

Koristna uporaba socialnih omrežij v poslovnih okoljih Mare Selan, Unistar LC d.o.o.