First look

Wlan Ljubljana - Open Wireless Network

Mitar Milutinović
Jernej Kos, (english)

Content is available only in Slovene language.

Z OpenWrt Linux distribucijo, ki je popeljala Linux na veliko vsakodnevnih in drugih embedded naprav, k temu dodala package manager in odličen toolchain za različne arhitekture, so se odprla vrata inovativnim široko zastavljenim uporabam teh naprav. Ena takšnih je tudi vzpostavitev wlan ljubljana odprtega rezžičnega omrežja. Ampak delo na enem sistemu ali na mnogo sistemih na vseh napravah v omrežju je vseeno zelo različen zalogaj. V ta namen smo razvili lasten odprtokoden system za potrebe  enostavnejšega postavljanja in vzdrževanja takšnega mesh omrežja, brez odvečnega in nepotrebnega dela pred in po sami vzpostavitvi. Sistem pomaga pri načrtovanju, postaviti in kasneje spremljanju delovanja in vzdrževanju WiFi točk, ki sestavljajo takšno omrežje. Nase prenese rutinska opravila in zmanjša verjetnost napak in konfliktov pri konfiguraciji točk.

Monday, 27 September 2010










The Power of Value – Open Source in Media Industry, Markus Franz, Sucomo KG, Germany (english)




Preparing Open Source Distributions of Operating Systems for Workstations in states department,  Tomaž Zver, Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia (slovenian)




Coffee break




Open Source communities and business ecosystem strategy: OW2 Consortium from the perspective of a board member, Gabriele Ruffatti, OW2 Consortium, Italy




Oracle Enterprise Linux, Sergej Rožman, ABAKUS plus d.o.o., Slovenia (slovenian)




Lunch break




Section in English language

Mixed section

Astec section


Xen: Open Source and the Virtualization Revolution, George W. Dunlap, Citrix Systems UK, Ltd, UK

Usage of OSS in School's Administration, dr. Martin Terbuc, Šolski center Ptuj, Slovenia (slovenian)

Security Audit in Heterogeneous Environment, Borut Žnidar,  Andrej Rakar in Davor Guttierrez, Astec d.o.o. (slovenian)





Smarter Collaboration through the IBM Client for Smart Work , Uffe Sorensen, IBM

Migration to Linux desktop and optimization with Open Source solutions, Ivan Guštin, Elin d.o.o., Croatia (croatian)





Wlan Ljubljana - Open Wireless Network, Mitar Milutinović, Jernej Kos, Slovenia (english)

Change Management and Automatic Integration of Information Systems, Marko Ambrož and Roman Naglič, Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia (slovenian)


Section in English language

Mixed section

Mixed section


eyeOS: going to the cloud with the Open Source web Desktop, Pau Garcia Mila Pujol, eyeOS, Spain

Database accelerators - Column-oriented architecture Goran Cvijanović, Vinteh d.o.o., Croatia (croatian)

Operating System Android: Principles of Applications Development, Jure Petrovič






Security vs Usability, Sebastian Graf (naxxatoe), Austrian  (english)

How to switch to Linux and not only Survive, Marko Dolenc, Result računalniški sistemi d.o.o., Slovenia


Tuesday, 28 September 2010


Section in English language

Mixed section


Open Source OS - Symbian OS, Tam Hanna, Tamoggemon Software, Austria (english)

How to build your own iSCSI Server with OSS - Damjan Rems, Chamber of Craft and Small Business of  Slovenia, Slovenia (slovenian)


Linux Disaster Recovery as a Service (with rear), Gratien D'haese, IT3 Consultants, Belgija

SPOCS - Simple Procedures Online for Cross-border Services - dr. Alenka Žužek, Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia (slovenian)


coffe break



Mixed section

Mixed section


Zimbra as PaaS (Platform as a Service), Silvo Jakob, ABAK.NET d.o.o., Slovenia (slovenian)

STORK - Interoperability of e-identities for Cross-border Services - mag. Aleš Pelan, Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia (slovenian)


SecureKey - SMS Authentication, Bojan Sajovic, GenLan d.o.o., Slovenia (slovenian)

Once Upon a Time on Internet 0x01, Nejc Škoberne, Viris d.o.o., Slovenia (slovenian)


Section in English language

Mixed section


Getting Cloudy - Grid Hosting Uncovered, Markus Franz, Sucomo KG, Germany

Working in Groups with Zimbra, Damjan Žiberna, ABAKUS plus d.o.o., Slovenia (slovenian)


Coffee break



Round table


* The program is being prepared and will be updated.