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IBLOC 2005 - Speakers

Matjaž Godec
Matjaž Godec, born in 1965 in Maribor, Slovenia, lived a happy and computer free life for his first 16 years. His first encounter with computers took place at the high school, when he punched his first program on a paper card many times, as he was clumsy at typing. Then he got his hands on Sinclair ZX80 computer and everything changed. He started to spend more and more time behind the computer screen and soon got introduced to CPM, DOS and other computer systems. He didn't avoid assembler programming and electronic design for PBXs and other specialized telecommunication equipment on Z80 microprocessor and Intel i850 micro controller. While working at the Institute for Vacuum Technics and Electronics, he developed deep knowledge on x86/PC architecture and DOS environment, programming them as various controlling devices for automating processes and measurements. In early 90's he more or less accidentally ran into operating system called Linux and spend quite a few hours learning and banging his head against it. It soon became clear, that Linux is the “thing” of the future. Later, in mid 90's, he was designed and implemented ISP infrastructure entirely based on Linux (for routers, terminal servers and ISP servers) and co-founded a small company called Agenda d.o.o. Based on experiences, gained during developing and running ISP, Agenda expanded into Linux service and consulting business, where it still dominates the local market with the highest level of expertise, knowledge and dedication for bringing excellent Linux based systems and solutions to IT infrastructure in largest and most demanding environments requiring 24/7 availability of their mission critical set-ups.
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